Club Fee Structure and Joining Process Page
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Process in Joining Our Club

Prospective members are invited to a few meetings to ascertain whether they are interested in becoming part of the club.
You can use our expression of interest link or the contact us link on Home Page to express interest.
If the prospective member interested the Membership Director will have a chat with the prospective member to explain what Rotary is about.
If a prospective member is still interested their name is circulated to current members.
If there are no objections (rarely happens) the prospective member is put forward for membership.
At an appropriate club meeting the prospective member is inducted into the club.

Costs involved as a member

Joining Fee  $85.00
Current Yearly Subscriptions  $300.00
Approximate cost at meetings  $30.00
Every Rotarian Every Year EREY (Optional)  $100.00
Fundraising Events etc  Individual Costs
Joing Part way through the Rotary Year  Pro-rata based on the the number of months

The Subscription is made up of fees for:

Rotary International.
Rotary Insurance - All members are covered whilst on approved Rotary projects and events.
Rotary Down Under Magazine.
Club Administration Costs.

Meeting costs include meal and beverage costs, this can vary a bit.
EREY are funds for the Rotary Foundation. It is optional however most members contribute.

Note that we do not use fundraising to run the club.